Amelia Rose’s Story

In loving memory of Amelia Rose.

In January 2013 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Amelia Rose by emergency cesarean 3 weeks early, she was born with brain damage. My amazing little fighter defeated the odds when she was taken off the ventilator, the doctors thought she would not be able to breathe on her own, but she managed to.

The time spent in the hospital was a very traumatic time with mixed emotions, all of the doctors and nurses in the SCBU at the RVI were absolutely amazing and did everything they could to make Amelia and her family as comfortable as possible (we even had Ali from SCBU running around finding us breakfast at 1 point)

Sadly Amelia Rose passed away on her due date 1st February 2013 at 3 weeks old. She filled our lives with so much love in so little time and touched so many people’s hearts.