Music, Movement and Sensory – Gateshead

May 9, 2024

Held by The Baby Hub Gateshead, Music, Movement and Sensory (M+Ms) is an award winning class that focuses on learning through play with sing-a-long songs, props, activities and music. There will be bubbles, ribbons, sensory materials, mirrors, musical instruments, play parachutes and much more. Each week there will be a theme such as Garden, Space and Under the sea.

Classes are held on a Wednesday in Newcastle at Owl Tree Cafe and on a Thursday in Gateshead at Raven Valley Gym Club and are open to babies 6 weeks (corrected) to 2 years. Please choose only one of the available classes to attend for the course. We recommend that you attend all sessions in order to get the most out of them for you and your baby.

For more information and to book, click here.