Baby Yoga and Massage

October 10, 2023

Part of our Meet, Chat Learn classes and delivered by Kalma Life Gateshead, Baby Yoga and Massage is a relaxed and fun environment. Sessions introduce you and your baby to massage, and yoga inspired stretches through music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props over 6 weeks. Classes show the correct use of massage to develop circulatory and breathing rhythms, introduce easy tummy time, develop muscle strength and flexibility.  Baby massage has many benefits such as helping with colic, digestion and sleeping.

Classes are held at the Community Hub Metrocentre (Green Mall) and are open to babies 6 weeks (corrected) to 18 months. We recommend that you attend all sessions in order to get the most out of them for you and your baby.

Dates of sessions:

  • Tuesday 12th September

  • Tuesday 19th September

  • Tuesday 26th September

  • Tuesday 3rd October

  • Tuesday 10th October

  • Tuesday 17th October

Click here to book!