Tuesday PM – Newcastle

Our Newcastle massage and yoga sessions are held by Soothing Baby at West Denton Community Centre. Clare is a highly qualified, experienced and friendly instructor.

In our relaxed baby massage sessions over 5 weeks, you will learn and practice all the massage techniques that not only bond you closer to your baby, but can also improve infants’ sleep patterns and help relieve their colic, wind and constipation.

Baby yoga is a natural progression from massage. Clare guides you through a range of gentle movement and touch exercises to enhance playful interaction and communication between parent and baby and to promote their healthy development.

Click here to book!


Tuesday AM – Gateshead

Our Gateshead baby yoga and massage sessions are held by Kalma Life at the Community Hub Metrocentre (Green Mall). Kalma Life is a franchise that has been running for 11 years with experienced and knowledgeable teachers.

In our relaxed sessions, Christine introduces you and your baby to massage, with sequences including singing, playing, kissing and talking. Classes will show the correct use of massage to develop circulatory and breathing rhythms, introduce easy tummy time, develop muscle strength and flexibility and relieving common ailments. Baby massage has many benefits such as helping with colic, digestion and sleeping.

Yoga classes are a fun environment. In a typical session you will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props. There are stretches for you during sessions, and together stretches but primarily you will focus on your little one. Once mobile, the older class is faster paced and the focus is on balance, coordination and reaching milestones.

Click here to book!