Take #YourTinyLeap this February

#TakeaLeap GIF Twitter (2020)

What are you planning on doing with your extra day this Leap Year? Sleeping? Working? How about using it to make a huge impact in your local community instead?

This year, take #YourTinyLeap and organise a fundraiser for Tiny Lives on February 29th.

This fundraiser could be big or small, such as a coffee morning with friends, a Dress Down Day at work or a full fundraising night at your local pub. Any funds raised will be hugely appreciated by all of Tiny Lives, as well as the RVI Neonatal Unit.

Get in touch at info@tinylives.org.uk and the Tiny Lives team can help with fundraising ideas, with sponsor forms, fundraising packs, collection tubs, merchandise and more!

These extra 24 hours could make a huge difference to vulnerable babies and their families.