Tiny Lives announces launch of new Sibling Packs for Neonatal Unit

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On 10th April, fittingly known as ‘National Siblings Day’, the Tiny Lives Trust announced that they would be launching new ‘Sibling Packs’ on the RVI Neonatal Unit.

The packs, which will officially launch on 1 May 2019, are designed to help siblings deal with the nerves and potential anxiety that can be caused when their new brother or sister has to spend time on a Neonatal Unit.

It is also hoped that the packs will encourage parents to chat with their older children about the Neonatal experience, and that they will familiarise them with certain elements of the hospital (for example, incuabtors, breathing machines and monitors).

The Sibling Packs will include: A storybook, helping to explain the Neonatal Unit, a colouring book (themed around the Unit), crayons and a custom activity pack, designed in partnership with Weekend Boxes.