We want your unloved Christmas Presents!

Unloved Xmas Pressies email signature

As much as everyone loves the generous festive season, sometimes you can end up with a few bits and bobs that you might not use (Another bubble bath gift set? More chocolate?!). This year – instead of binning it, or leaving it to gather dust in a corner – why not donate it to Tiny Lives?

We can use your generously donated Christmas gifts as great raffle and tombola prizes throughout 2019, helping to raise money for premature babies and their familiesĀ on the RVI Neonatal Unit.

If you’d like to donate, please call 0191 230 2112 or email info@tinylives.org.uk to arrange a drop-off at our office. We may also be able to pick up larger amounts – just let us know.

Please note: In order to be accepted, items must be brand new and ideally in the original packaging (where possible).