Because of you…

…Tiny Lives won the Green Token Scheme at Asda, Gosforth.  Thank you so much to all staff and customers who supported Tiny Lives through the green token scheme.

We were over the moon when Michelle, Community Colleague at Asda contacted us to say we had won the Green Token Scheme, in which we received a wonderful cheque for £500.

We could only think of one special little girl to collect the lovely donation on behalf of Tiny Lives.  Islay who always put her green token into the Tiny Lives slot, came along with her mum and little brother to accept the donation.

Islay has been a great supporter of Tiny Lives from day one by featuring in the Tiny Lives Film and helping her dad with his latest challenge for Tiny Lives and Cerebra.

Islay and Michelle with green tokens

Ialay 2

Islay and Michelle

Islay with chq

Islay and Louise

Islay and Michelle with chq