Virtual 5k – Run for Rafa!
There are all sorts of ways to fundraise for a cause close to your heart and Kayleigh and Tim are organising a first for Tiny Lives!
They are organising a 5k with a differences… a ‘virtual 5k’ which you can run on your terms, anytime during July, by yourself, with a group, on a track, along your favourite countryside route… even on a treadmill if you fancy but with all the perks of a 5k too!
Medal? Check
Leader board? Check
Spot prizes?! Check!!
And as the name will suggest, there’s a very special inspiration behind the 5k…
“In July 2015 our son, Rafa, made his sudden arrival 17 weeks early. At 580g (1lb 3oz) he was one of the smallest babies cared for at the RVI in Newcastle. During his 4 month stay, we saw how much of an impact the Tiny Lives Trust has on these miracle babies and their families. They support the Special Care Baby Unit by funding research, they pay for additional staff such as physiotherapists and breastfeeding support workers, they provide memory boxes, christening gowns, developmental aides – as well as a whole host of other things you would never know you need until your baby is taken into Neonatal Intensive Care.” – Kayleigh and Tim
Rafa in the Special Care Baby Unit.
Rafa 6 months later!