Tiny Lives Golf Day 25 June 2014 – Ramside Hall Golf Club

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Tiny Lives held their Golf Day on 25th June at Ramside Hall Golf Club, Kevin Maddison (Captain) has chosen two charities to support this year, Tiny Lives and Veterans at Ease.

There will be three golf days this year with all funds raised supporting both charities. Our golf day was the first and it went off with a bang, we had a great day with the sun shining.

We cant thank everyone enough, our teams, sponsors of the holes, our volunteers and our photographer – without your support the event would have not happened.


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I believe we had about 65-golfers there, all from various companies who enjoyed a shotgun start golf event with various “challenges” over the course for prizes from the hole sponsors. 

The feedback was fantastic venue, course was in superb condition and the hospitality in the clubhouse was first-class!

The event saw almost all the golfers stay to create a fantastic atmosphere at the prize giving which went very smoothly!
 Golfers and fund raising volunteers alike had a great day which gave me a feeling that not only were we doing a good job for the golfers 
and sponsors but never lost sight that these events are for raising funds for charities doing amazing work
 – which Tiny Lives as a North East charity for me fully deserves! - Kevin Maddison - Captain at Ramside Hall Golf Club 

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Our Sponsors – Thank you

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Back at the Club House – Prize Time

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