Well Done to Louisa

It seems like a million years ago when I had the bright idea to sign up for the “Big Fun Run” 2013.  It was really not a great idea considering how limited my running experience was, but with the help of my very patient trainer at my wonderful local gym I took the plunge, signed up and started my training programme.

I knew that the only way to be sure I would complete this was to get sponsorship for a cause very close to my heart and that was why I chose ‘Tiny Lives’.  This amazing charity does wonderful work with premature and sick newborn babies and their families on the Neonatal Unit at the RVI Hospital.  When my nephew Henry was born at 34 weeks by emergency caesarean weighing just 4lbs 6oz he was initially in good health but then deteriorated rapidly.  Within days baby Henry had started vomiting and was down to 3lb 11oz and became jaundiced and was moved to the Special Care Baby Unit.  This was such a stressful time for my sister and our family, the support and facilities provided at the unit by the charity was invaluable and now 4 years on from this, with Henry a happy almost 4 year old cheeky monkey, I wanted to give something back.

Harry - Louisa RogersHarry - Louisa Rogers 2

(Look at the difference from four years ago)

My training has been very tough going but the money I had pledged for this great cause along with my support system of family, friends and gym instructors.  I was miles outside of my comfort zone when heading up for my run on 29 July at Exhibition Park but it was a really fun atmosphere with music and a mass warm up helped me to focus.

Before I knew it there was the count down and we were off, the weather had finally brightened up so it was quite warm I set off – I was cursing the earlier rain which made me leave my sunglasses at work!  The going on the rocky paths of the town moor can be tough but I focussed on the task at hand and was very pleased as the distance markers counted down the kilometres.


My finish time was 45 mins, that had been my aim the whole time so I am really pleased with that and thrilled at being able to accomplish raising £192 so far for a wonderful charity, I am still getting donations in now, it is just going to take a little while to heal my poorly feet 🙁 .